
Schering Liang – Your CPA Accountant

Schering Liang is the founder of the business and principal business consultant, who has been working for small to medium-sized businesses for over 15 years. She is a certified practising accountant (CPA) and a registered tax agent.

She has worked as a senior client manager for a prominent well-established Sydney-based accounting and financial service firm for the last 12 years before establishing her own accounting practice.

Specialising in a range of tax, bookkeeping and advisory services to small to medium-sized business clients, Schering and her team are ready to help clients keep pace in a competitive and dynamic environment.

Our Mission

Our mission is to make your life easier and give you confidence and trust in your finances so you can spend more time growing your business. We provide an affordable, quality and value added service to your business.




Disclaimer: Dynamic Accountax Pty Ltd is a CPA Practice. Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation.